
Learn in Public


This is the start of an experiment. There’s an internet theory that you can learn faster about any topic if you learn it in public source.

So I’m going to be rambling in here while I transition from Software Engineer to ML Engineer.

To start, I need a place to ramble so we set up a blog using:

sudo apt install hugo
hugo new site SWE-to-MLE
cd SWE-to-MLE/
git init .
git submodule add themes/loveit
echo "theme = 'loveit'" >> config.toml
hugo new posts/learn-in-public/
emacs content/posts/
hugo serve
open http://localhost:1313

There are a bunch more edits going in the config.toml. You can just follow the theme documentation or take a look at my config

This gives us a basic skeleton running locally. Now, to host it on the internet, push it to GitHub.

# create repo on then
git remote add origin
git push origin main

Register an account with cloudflare and give it access to your GitHub repo. Now, the code will get picked up automatically when you push, and you don’t have to manage anything. There’s also a oneclick option to enable analytics.

Oneclick Web Analytics

Now, to setup some comments, we’re using It stores comments as issues on GitHub. Give permission to the Utterances app to your repo and add the info to your config.toml.

      enable = true
      enable = true
        enable = true
        repo = "peluche/SWE-to-MLE"
        issueTerm = "pathname"

commit, push, wait for cloudflare to pick it up

Auto Deployment

and we are good to start rambling.