
Huggingface NLP Course Chapter 3 to 5

Continuing with 🤗 Hugging Face: NLP Course.

Chapter 3: Fine-Tuning a Pretrained Model

Goes over fine-tuning. It’s a OK as a source of copy/pastable snippets, but there isn’t much insight to glean from here.

Chapter 4: Sharing Models and Tokenizers

Nothing to see here. Just an advertisement for the 🤗 platform.

Chapter 5: The 🤗 Datasets Library

Another OK source of copy/pastable snippets. But this time we also get a treat, an intro to FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search).

The end of the chapter introduce embeddings. And how to find the sementically closest neighbour using Cosine Similarity.

Cosine Similarity

Go get a look at the original at

My follow along version of the code is on GitHub or bellow.